Featured Author: Mark Steinwachs

Mark Steinwachs

Realities PerceivedMark Steinwachs is a roadie who retired to shop life and is now GM at Bandit Lites in Nashville, TN. Over a decade traveling in tour buses, plus time as a United States Marine, and a rave DJ/promoter, has given him a unique outlook in his storytelling. Growing up in Buffalo, NY, and spending many winter nights reading fantasy and sci-fi novels, he never imagined he would one day be writing his own stories, and oddly enough writing primarily horror stories. He is also a member of a horror writer group called Pen of the Damned (www.penofthedamned.com) where they release new flash fiction weekly. In addition to his fiction works, Mark’s blog for Bandit Lites (www.Banditdimmerbeach.com) is one of the leading resources for information about the concert touring industry.
Twitter: @authorMarkStein
Facebook: AuthorMarkSteinwachs.

Featured Author: Mark Steinwachs Interview

LHP: How long have you been writing?

Mark Steinwachs: About 7 years Back to top >>>

LHP: What genre do you prefer to write in?

Mark Steinwachs:Horror and speculative fiction. Which is funny because I was hardcore sci-fi and fantasy growing up.
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LHP: What/who inspired you to be a writer?

Mark Steinwachs: I had an idea for my first story (a zombie one) and it went from there. Back to top >>>

LHP: Describe your writing process. What comes first–character or plot? Do you “pants” it or outline?

Mark Steinwachs: Normally first is a plot. I get a lot of my ideas from the line of a song or feel of music. I 100% “pants” my stories. There is no outlining.
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Realities-PerceivedLHP: What is your daily/weekly routine as a writer?

Mark Steinwachs: I do most of my writing early in the morning and, feel free to laugh, I do most of it at (my)Starbucks while drinking many iced coffees. Back to top >>>

LHP: Are there any software tools, resources, or websites you use often while writing?

Mark Steinwachs: Unless I need hardcore facts, normally it is Google which leads me to Wikipedia. Back to top >>>

LHP: What are some of your biggest challenges you feel like you have to overcome in your writing career?

Mark Steinwachs: Finding time to write with two kids and a full-time job is hard but see the above answer about iced coffee. Back to top >>>

LHP: Do set word counts or other goals?

Mark Steinwachs: I sit down and go, sometimes the words flow and other times I stare at the screen and talk with the people working. I try not to force things as I feel my writing reflects when I do. Back to top >>>

LHP: How much time is spent on “the business of writing”, queries, seeking an agent or publisher, marketing/sales?

Mark Steinwachs: So far I have not spent as much as I should. I need to do more marketing myself. I have a few places I submit to and have had good luck with them and am enjoying the ride I’m on now. Back to top >>>

LHP: Do you prefer short stories or full length novels in your writing?

Mark Steinwachs: I am 100%, hands down a short story guy. The flashiest of flash fiction. As I tell people, “novels are scary.”
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LHP: Can you give some us some insight into your story?

Mark Steinwachs: I was trying to think of a monster story that didn’t involve your typical monsters. “The Last Horseman” came from that. The idea that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse had a human form and their true “monster” self. And then how their actions affect the world. Back to top >>>

LHP: What advice can you give other writers?

Mark Steinwachs: Write. It’s that simple, and that incredibly hard.
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Realities Perceived

Mark Steinwachs recently authored “The Last Horseman” for Realities Perceived, on sale now on Amazon.